Thursday, November 5, 2009

Falling off the table

There's a definite downward slant to these apples.

My favorite color this week? Yellow ochre.


Ellen said...

Loving all these juicy, Cezanne like paintings!

Sharon said...

Very perceptive, Ellen. After a particularly frustrating class, creating over blended and boring paintings, my teacher suggested I spend a week copying paintings by Gauguin and Cezanne. I took her advice and found it very helpful and oddly liberating.

And now I’m slapping color on with abandon. The results aren’t always great, but I’m enjoying painting a lot more.

Sand Hill Art said...

Your teacher's suggestion is one I'm going to take too. It sounds exciting. And I know exactly who I'll chose.

sue said...

Oooh, another beauty, Sharon--you look like a natural to me!

Donna Mulholland said...

Love it!

Sherry Pierce Thurner said...

I love earth colors too. My watercolor friends tend toward the pastel, but I love the ochers, umbers and burnt sienna. I think there is a real feeling liberation in copying the masters, a sense of study and freedom from having to concentrate on too many things at once - composition, color, and so on.

laura said...

The ochre of the cloth is beautiful, especially with that wedge of blue. I love how bright and shiny the apples are; and also the tension between the top and bottom of the painting.
I enjoy copying ... It's like a way of learning that bypasses your brain and goes straight to your hand (if that makes any sense!)

mARTa said...

I need to get back into throwing paint I think! These are just wonderful!!!! I can feel the energy you expended in slapping on that paint!!! Keep going!!

Lisa Daria said...

Your teacher's suggestion is a good one - there's so many good ideas - hard to find the time to do them all -