Monday, January 5, 2009

Colds & Company/two more weeks to go!

I woke up this morning with a sore throat, runny nose and general feeling of malaise. There’s never a GOOD time to get a cold, but with company arriving from Tennessee tomorrow, I really could have skipped this right now. The Kleenex box and I have been constant companions today.

The box is a little wonky, sort of the way I feel.

Number of days until Bush's last day in office: 14


Nothing to See said...

Oh, I am so sorry to hear that. Isn't that always the case? Just when you need to be your healthiest, you get sick!

I hope you feel better soon.

Nice box of Kleenex.


Anonymous said...

Sorry about your cold. I've been close friends with my kleenex box the past couple days, but from nosebleeds rather than a cold. I guess it's the dry heat in my house and the cold air outside.

A Brush with Color said...

Hope you get a chance to rest up--I'm a firm believer in sleep, lots of liquids (tea with honey in it) and as you said--lots of tissues. Be well! Love this tissue box. Great subject!